A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


Blessed with our huge and awesome garden / trees it's rare that we visit a private garden that is huger and awesomer. 

Perrycroft, on the other side of the hill, is such a garden, and feels even bigger than it's supposed scale of 5x our two acres.  It is quite amazing.

We'd organised a private visit (but still with proceeds to charity) having missed out on the official open day a few weeks back.  This was again partly to scan for what plants fit the local conditions and to chat to the owner about logistics.  We found the owner painting the insides of a self-catering unit, which was the task I'd broken from to go on the visit.

Decided to get ahead on one room in the Coach House so we can move furniture back into that one so we're not continually shuffling around it. Got the ceiling and a couple of walls done.

Slowed a lot by having to pick lumps out of the inherited paint.  Eventually hit on sieving it, which worked a whole lot better than I expected.

Finished the day with the theatre - a hugely entertaining production of The importance of Being Earnest with David Suchet.

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