
By wsjohnson

Is cleanliness really that important

Okay, so like my head is finally - FINALLY - cleared from the weekend's intoxication; and they say the older you get the less you can imbibe: HA!!!, I showed 'em!!

(Yeah, right, I showed 'em alright! Thank heaven for alka-seltzer)

To ease my currently whappy mental state, She has - permanently - removed all forms of 'infotainment' and "formulaic programmed" news from my eyes and ears, in yet another attempt to set things right in my world, at least She would like to think so!

To a degree at any rate, I still have a bit of a "you are kidding me right, Donald Trump???" problem, but that's just, you know, me!

Moving on

My father once told me, "when purchasing anything over the cost of a sandwich, look at the salesman's attire" yeah, my old man spoke like that, sad isn't it? Anyway, continuing on, "if his shirts not ironed, and his suit is soiled (little did he know what that phrase means now) and he wears not a proper tie, find someone else to serve you"

I recall nodding in a bit of adolescent tranquility, as he ended with "and if his shoes aren't shined and his nails unclean, seriously think twice about buying anything he or his employer has to sell, because if they care so little about their appearance how much do you think they care about your business"

Like most things my old man told me, truth be told, being young and foolish, I sort of weighed it against my own "better judgment" and ignored it, only to have his wise "old-black man" sage advice proven correct time, after time, after time. And so now, in my dotage, I pass it on to you.

If the salesman (or woman) looks 'unkept' think twice before proceeding. In some professions, appearances matter. But that's just my opinion, well actually it's my dad's, but he's dead so I doubt if he'd mind my appropriating it and claiming is as my own

I know that hands are a drummers 'calling-card' and rarely are they seen, so well, sorry pops

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