
My newest job involves looking after a large number of volunteers. One, who has been volunteering there since before I was a volunteer there 15 years ago, told me she wanted to retire after her session next week as she's finding it harder to remember things. I said we'd organise a cake and she said she didn't want any fuss.

I made her a card last night and brought it in today so as to collect a week's worth of signatures before her last day. I hid it as I went to check with her that she would be in next week. I don't know,' she said, smiling, 'I'll just have to look at my diary...' She looked. 'No,' smiling benignly, 'I'll be on a train.'

Made me smile too. Canny, under that forgetting.

I took this on my way out to buy an emergency cake and didn't notice the subliminal smile till I got home.

Black and white in colour 70

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