Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Family has many definitions

I come from a very small family - just me and my parents.  I grew up in Alaska, many thousands of miles from any cousins, aunts or uncles.  When I married my husband, I suddenly had an extended family, many of whom have now passed on; some of whom have, sadly, become estranged; and some of whom we are still blessed to spend time with.

But I are also blessed with a family "of my choosing" - friends whom I love dearly and who have become staples in my (and Hubs) life.  This is the 3rd Thanksgiving we've spent up in the Catskills with some of those very special friends.  I chose this photo for today's "one shot" because it features four very people special people (Armando, Kura, Dwight and Hubs - with Tucker the Dog coming in for a photobomb).  Kura and I have been friends for over 20 years; Kura and Dwight have been friends for ... well, I don't even want to say; and Hubs and Armando have been part of this group for over 15 years.  A lot of history here.

I think the smiles tell the story and I hope you'll agree.  

We shouldn't wait for one day each year to count our blessings and consider all the things we have to be thankful for.  In the past years I've been really trying to make a concerted effort to savor these relationships, to focus on the joy that the people in my life bring, to forgive transgressions (real or imagined) and to take time to appreciate the moments.  

And if that's too much seriousness for you, take a look at today's Extra for a smile.


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