This is not . . .

. . . the actual blip picture. For obvious reasons, the real one is hidden away elsewhere. (I hope I can reinstate it later!) (Update : reinstated!) 

I started this project way back in October and what a learning curve it has been. I have hesitated at every juncture, puzzled out the instructions, knit, pulled it back and tried again - until at last I figured out what was supposed to be happening and why. I have learnt to knit with four needles, (once someone had very kindly suggested I try smaller needles - an absolutely vital piece of advice), so confidently that next year everyone might be getting socks for Christmas. I have also learnt many other skills, including perseverance. I have lived with this little madam for so long now, that it will feel sad to give her away. I might just have to make another one!
There's also this guy, but that's a whole different story about learning to crochet more than just Granny Squares - not bad after 60 years!!

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