Gwisg draddodiadol

Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus i bawb.  Heddiw dyn ni'n dathlu Dewi Sant, nawddsant Cymru. Roedd y diwrnod yn wlyb, ond pawb yn edrych yn hapus. Cwrddon ni â Ruth, un o'r merched oedd gwisgo mewn gwisg draddodiadol.  Het Ruth ydy'r het hen o'r 19eg ganrif. Mae Ruth wedi gwneud hetiau yn yr hen fasiwn hefyd, ond nawr mae hi'n bennaf gwneud bagiau. Dych chi'n gallu gweld mwy ohoni hi a'i busnes 'Mabli Jack' ar Facebook.

Mae'r erthygl ddiddorol am hetiau ar wefan Amgueddfa Ceredigion, lle maen nhw'n edrych sut cawson yr hetiau eu gwneud.

Happy Saint David's Day to everyone. Today we celebrate St David, the patron saint of Wales. The day was wet, but everyone looked happy. We met with Ruth, one of the ladies who were dressed in traditional costume. Ruth's had is an old hat from the 19th century. Ruth has made hats in the old fashion too, but now she mainly makes bags. You can see more of her and her business 'Mabli Jack' on Facebook.

There is an interesting article about hats on the Ceredigion Museum's website, where they look how we the hats were made.

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