Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Life and Death in the Garden

It sounds so grim, doesn't it! And, in fact, it wasn't a happy ending for the lizard. But for a nature photographer...well, it was one of those moments we kind of live for, truth be told. When you see a flurry of motion and you just know some big drama is unfolding..

What caught my eye was the blue jay flapping around on the path. Initially I thought a snake might have gotten hold of the jay - but a closer look confirmed that the jay had managed to catch quite a large lizard and was trying to subdue it. There was much thrashing and flailing before the jay flew off with his prize.

I took a break today and spent about 3 hours at the Huntsville Botanical Garden, a beautiful, serene place - perfect for soothing your soul. (Unless you're a lizard in which case it is far from soothing!)

Tomorrow is our last day here and I plan to venture out early for a hike and some photos before spending some time with family.

Thanks for your understanding about my lack of comments. Hard when traveling.


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