Rusty foxglove

The first real scorcher of the summer,  spent largely in Cambridge Botanic Gardens where I met my niece and her Mum for lunch. As usual, the time went far too quickly!

After they had left I stayed to have a wander round, but soon found it was too hot to be enjoyable, so claimed a shady bench in the Pinetum and had a short snooze. Once I'd cooled down I was able to brave a short time in the Rose Garden (see extra) and Systematic Beds, which were a riot of colour, but despite all the attention-grabbing oranges and yellows, this rusty foxglove was my favourite plant of the day, subtly coloured and with beautiful patterning. 

I left relatively early, to avoid the rush hour traffic, but the A14 was still jammed - not much fun in 31C. I was so glad to get home and enjoy a cool drink in the shade!

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