Ffotograffiaeth, Botaneg, Cymraeg ...

Mae'r cwricwlwm yn mynd i newid mewn ysgolion Cymru. Bydd e'n bosibl i gymysg pynciau, yn lle cadw nhw wahân.  Mae'n fel bywyd go iawn.  Dw i'n hoffi ffotograffiaeth a dwi'n tynnu llun o flodyn.  Ond... hoffwn i wybod enw'r blodyn, felly rhaid i mi chwilio mewn llyfrau, neu ar y rhyngrwyd...  Ond... hoffwn i wybod enw'r blodyn yn Gymraeg, ayyb.  Un peth yn arwain at un arall. Felly addysg yng Nghymru yn newid i alluogi plant i ddilyn eu diddordebau ar draws ffiniau pwnc. Mae'n swnio mwy creadigol i weithio'r ffordd hon.

(Dw i ddim yn gwybod enw'r blodyn melyn yma.  Os unrhywun yn gwybod, hoffwn i glywed oddi wrthyn nhw!)

The curriculum is going to change in schools in Wales. It will be possible to mix subjects, instead of keeping them apart. It's like real life. I like photography and I take a picture of a flower. But ... I would like to know the name of a flower, so I have to look in books or on the internet ... But ... I would like to know the name of a flower in Welsh, etc. One thing leads to another. So education in Wales is changing to allow children to pursue their interests across subject boundaries. It sounds more creative to work this way.

(I do not know the name of a yellow flower here. If anyone knows, I would like to hear from them!)

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