Fishy things

Highlight of the day *obviously* was Whale Watching, there is nothing quite like the excitement of watching a whale go down and then anticipating where it will come up. We saw a Finback feeding and a Minki whale, dolphins and  seals.  Searching for them was almost as exciting as catching a Pokemon for the children!  (joke)  

Like 99% people there I watched it mostly through a camera lens and got far away, fuzzy and altogether rubbish photos.  Grrrr.

However, straight off the boat we feasted on lobster this evening and so Sam is my blip of choice.  Unfortunately he felt really seasick today and was horizontal and white looking when the whales were frolicking :-(  The trip had been too expensive to administer to him at the time...

Extra is my lovely boys when they were all standing up straight.

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