Marking Time

By Libra

Welcome to Taz!

Are we making the right decision? Donna , the volunteer from Cat Rescue, puts on protective clothing- huge gloves that come up to her shoulders - before she makes another attempt to catch Taz .

Thus armed she grabs and drops him unceremoniously tail first into an upturned giant cat box. ( The standard one we bring is too small).

What's his back-story, I wonder uneasily for he looks awfully like a wild cat to me except for his white bib and paws.

I am assured he is not feral ( " his tail is different from a wild cat") and that he is really a lovely cat. So what's he doing in Cat Rescue?

Well it seems he belonged to young single man who acquired a girl friend with a child.
And the child kept pulling Taz tail.

Oh yes, the new family did not like the trophies he brought in from his frequent hunting expeditions.

We had dithered between Taz and Elvis and

in the end Cat Rescue made the decision.

Another couple want Elvis and Cat Rescue decide Taz would be more suitable for us because we live on the edge of woods rather than Elvis who has never been out of doors.

We have been told to keep Taz indoors for two weeks but he has already discovered the locked cat lap and given it such a good rattling that I feared he would destroy it.

He is desperate to get out. Watch this space.

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