The Edge of the Wold

By gladders


The nights are drawing in noticeably now, there was hardly time to have a meal and take Gus down to the front before the sun was disappearing behind the hills opposite.  This was half an hour too early to catch the big movements of gulls down the estuary into the Bay.  The beginning of a fine Arnside sunset that later turned the sky and water crimson, and brought the photographers out in droves (see extra).

Last night there was a beautiful still sunset too.  We were home from a weekend in BW just in time for a walk along the shore.

I'm very tired today having stayed up just a bit too late watching Andy Murray in Rio.  If it wasn't for the need to go to work, I could be semi-nocturnal for the remainder of this week.  Alas, though, it's an early night tonight.

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