Fristy Frosty morning...

and some beautiful patterns had grown on my car windows.  It seems to be remarkably difficult to capture these stunning shapes in a photo but l tried.  
There was a meeting about raising funds to rescue our church today.. it appears the roof is in dire need of repair and a healthy sum of £200,000 is required to get it fixed up to be water tight and to save the fabric of the building... anyone got any good ideas to help us out?  Apparently a lot of this can be raised from applying to charities and for grants but we have to do a substantial local fundraise in order to get those grants.  l would appreciate any input as to where else we can raise this kind of money if you have experience of it for yourself.

On my way back home after a quick visit to the shop this morning l came across the car in my extra... oops.. handbrake malfunction???

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