Hobbs's Run

By hobbs

Twist and Ride

Life can be a little straight without a touch of geometric filtration sometimes. I suppose I could have managed something "festive" for "Wideangle Wednesday" with all that we did today but I was planning to capture some festive Christmas lights tonight and therefore passed up any number of potential .opportunities with that fixed idea in mind. Little did I realise that (in Blackheath at least) the Christmas lights thing is very much on the slide, these days. In the finish, I didn't get ANY wide angle festive lights images worth the bother. Not a sausage.

Okay then .. let's see now. How can I rationalise "festive" out of this wideangle effort? Ummm. Well we were out Christmas shopping ... which is kind of festive, you'd reckon. No? Oh well. I'll get my brain into gear next week.

Many thanks to BobsBlips for hosting.

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