Duvet Day

I had loads of plans for today. See yesterday's list!!
At 9.45am my mobile rang and my heart sank to see it was Miss E's school. It's never going to be good news is it?!!!
She'd been in with the nurse for half an hour feeling sick and they thought it was best she came home. Apparently there has been a vomiting bug going round with kids getting sent home left, right and centre. Marvellous!!!
Armed with a bucket and a towel I set off to get her.
She did look pale when I picked her up and she was clutching a sick bag the nurse had given her.
I am a massive believer in positive thinking and the power of the mind so I said to her it was absolutely fine if she felt better, she didn't have to worry that I'd be cross or send her back to school. In fact I'd be delighted if she felt better!!
She was a bit floppy at first so we cuddled up on the sofa under a blanket and watched Maleficent. By the time it ended she'd perked right up and wanted some medicinal malt loaf. Uggghhhhhhh, makes me ill just thinking about eating malt loaf!!
We watched a couple of episodes of the spectacular Planet Earth II which Miss E has been transfixed by. She adores nature programmes and is still unwavering in her desire to become a marine biologist!
Then we had a couple of games of chess and a couple of games of draughts. I'm better at chess - marginally! - and she's better at draughts.
Then it was time to go and get Miss L. I'd told Miss E to be a bit sensitive and not rub Miss L's face in the fact that she's been at home all day watching TV and playing with Mummy!. For once she listened and didn't mention it at all.
Their sleepover was hilarious - when I went up to bed they both asleep on the floor under a blanket den made of two chairs and a cardboard box. I'm not sure how comfy they're going to be in there all night!!

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