Mono Monday: Explore

We had an early morning flight home which was uneventful, much to our relief.  Flying can be such an ordeal these days and winter weather can make it even worse. When we got home it was already late afternoon, so I thought I would try to get some shots of the birds before it got too dark.  As I walked about, wondering where all the birds had gone, this hawk flew out of the bushes and landed on the roof of the house.   He was clearly there to explore, hoping to find some tasty critter attracted by my feeders.  Fortunately, he flew off with empty talons but not before he sat long enough for me to get off a few shots.  He is clearly exploring me, as well. 

I think it is a Cooper's Hawk, but I am not sure. 

Many thanks to FlyingPRGal for hosting the Mono-Monday Challenge this month.  Don't forget the tag for tomorrow's Tiny Tuesday Challenge:  TT82

I just posted yesterday's blip, so I am caught up. Whew!

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