tempus fugit

By ceridwen

Breaking news (2)

The trees in Withybush hospital car park have been tightly bandaged in festive colours much as was younger son's broken leg (except his dressings were white) until this afternoon when he had his femur was pinned back together in what seemed an awfully long surgical procedure. But when he arrived back on the ward just as we did at 7pm he was cheerful, if still a bit zonked, and his thigh sported two sizeable sutures. The long haul to complete recovery is yet to come.

Withybush is Pembrokeshire's only and much cherished  hospital. Furthest west in Wales and serving a relatively small local population, its services have already been much reduced and it exists under the constant threat of closure. That would necessitate a longer journey to the next county for accident and emergency treatment. Withybush has provided us as a family with excellent care over the years and yet again we were grateful it was there.

Extra shows Gwyn and his girlfriend who will have to bear the burden of his care when they return to their place in Cardiff. Fortunately it's on the ground floor.

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