Coeden a Diferyn o Law

Eira oedd y rhagweld, ond daeth e ar  ffurf glaw - llawer o law.  Es i i 'Siop Siarad' dros amser cinio. Mae'n siawns cwrdd â phobol a siarad Cymraeg.  Ro'n i'n meddwl ei fod e'n eithaf rhyfedd angen gwneud  amser arbennig i siarad Cymraeg, yng Nghaerdydd. Dw i'n gobeithio bydd mwy o bobol sy'n gallu siarad Cymraeg yma yn y dyfodol. Cerddais i yn ôl i'r swyddfa.  Ro'n i'n tynnu lluniau o dan y coed a chwympodd un diferyn o law a fy nghamera, yn y llun am hiliogaeth.

Snow was forecast, but it came in the form of rain - lots of rain. I went to 'Siop Siarad' at lunchtime. It's a chance to meet with people and speak Welsh. I was thinking that it  was quite strange to need to make special time to speak Welsh, in Cardiff. I hope there will be more people who can speak Welsh here in the future. I walked back to the office. I was taking pictures under the tree and one drop of rain fell on  my camera, in the picture for posterity.

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