
We had one of the best walks we've had for ages this afternoon.
We went to Stowe after lunch despite whinging and moaning from the Little Misses that they didn't want to go out.
It was so busy - obviously everyone had seen a bit of sun and thought it was the perfect day for a walk. We were all right - it was glorious!!
Miss L ran with Archie all the way from the entrance down to the gate (the child that didn't want to go out!!). Miss E said she'd rather hold my hand which was lovely.
When we got into the gardens we discovered that the lake was frozen solid and the Little Misses were giddy. We spent half an hour throwing sticks and  blocks of ice and watching them smash and slide on the frozen surface. It was amazing!!
Eventually we set of walking round the lake but we only got a few yards at a time before stopping to throw more ice!!
It's a wonder none of us ended up in the lake - The Little Misses were bending over to fish out ice from near the edge - expertly smashed by me (see extras) and excitedly hurling it with all their might as far as they could and Archie was bounding around on his retractable lead!!
I can't remember ever seeing Miss E enjoy herself so much. She was just running around squealing Awesome!!!! This is Awesome!!! Did you see that one? That was AWESOME!!!!! This is so Awesome!!!
We might have to work on her vocabulary but it was awesome fabulous to see her so excited and happy!!!!!
The ice made such a weird echoing electric cable like noise as it hit the frozen surface and skittered along. It was mesmerising - and very difficult to stop!!
But eventually - with frozen hands and wet gloves -  it was time to head back up for urgent toilet stops, hot chocolate and tea.
Then it was home for homework, a roast dinner and Harry Potter.
And Endeavour for the grown ups once the children were packed off to bed.

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