The Bank

I had a fairly busy day, for a change. A customer had rung earlier with a problem with her email downloads in Google Chrome, not one of my favourite browsers.  She dropped off her laptop and I took a look.  Eventually I pinned it down to her Pipex web mail client.  Switching this to another, newer, version of the web client, supplied by TalkTalk, resolved the problem, downloads able to be downloaded by Chrome.

After lunch I went into town to see the GP and meet Ann from 'work'.  I had an hour to kill between these so had a wander round snapping away.  Sunset was approaching and casting a pleasant glow on the top half of the Lloyds TSB  building on Bridge Street.

I was saying to Ann earlier, computer problems are like buses, you don't hear of one for weeks, then they all come together, four this week, ah well it all goes towards the coffee coffers.


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