I am the fire...

.....starter, twisted fire starter.

We still aren't moved in but that doesn't stop me from having the first fire in the new stove. The installers recommended having three small fires to bed the stove in, this means starting a little kindling fire, letting it die down and leave the stove to totally cool down before having another. I managed to do this process twice today and tomorrow I'll do the third and last little fire, then we can burn big logs and get it up to full heat.

Four of us at the house today including Claire, her mom and dad plus myself. My job today was fit the last of the skirting board in the living room and bathroom, Claire sanded down the new plaster in the bathroom and base painted the walls. Kath prepared more wood to be glossed and had a big tidy up whilst Tony plumbed in the upstairs toilet sink and put chipboard down.

A successful day all-round 

Happy Mr Bo HIngles 

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