Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

Brown Creeper?

I am departing from my usual habit of attempting to post reasonably decent photos today. This is a completely lousy photo of a bird that is basically new to me. I believe I saw one briefly on one of the birding trips during my West Virginia - New River Birding & Nature Festival - birding event last year, but I've never seen one here. That said, I am aware that they should winter here, so seeing one is entirely reasonable.

So - here's what happened. The Husband was out in front of the house in the driveway on his tractor doing something involving an enormous rock he had dragged up out of the woods. The tractor was idling while he attached a chain to the bucket. I was standing at the door/window watching him, but also looking at the tree that the bird feeders hang in. On the feeders, ignoring The Husband's presence, were the usuals: downy woodpeckers, a white-breasted nuthatch, a bunch of titmice, several cardinals, a gazillion goldfinches, and then... I noticed a bird on the trunk of the tree that was *different!* It moved like a nuthatch, and was basically shaped like a nuthatch, but it was brown and rather tricky to see against the bark of the tree. I grabbed my camera and tried to focus on it, just as The Husband revved up his tractor and all the birds flushed. This is the only photo I got, just as it took off to fly away. But I think, I'm pretty sure, it was a Brown Creeper.

So I'm very very chuffed to have a bird to add to my yard list. Please - USA bird experts (I'm looking at you dbifulco) tell me what you think!

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