A tree!

I've been trying out my new fish-eye 5.8 mm lens made by Lensbaby  from the car.  It takes a bit of getting used to as it's completely manual.

It's been a busy day.  Up early to knock on Little Missy's door at 7.30 to take her to nursery from there a wander round Tesco and then into town to put some cheques in the bank.  We had a coffee in the bookshop and browsed a bit and completely forgot the cheques!  Home and lunch and Grandbaby came.  A quick walk round the block and she fell fast asleep.  A arrived for our digital group.  An hour later baby woke and yelled at not seeing her mother!  Ro texts the wrong person .....  Eventually Mum gets alerted and arrives!  By the time I had finished everyone was happy then we were off to collect  LM from nursery.  Ro made dinner and we are going to settle down to a quiet evening!!

And they say you have all that time in the world when you  retire!!

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