
By beeeze

Spider Bling

Another mizzley drizzley start to the day but the sun came out just in time for me to capture the beauty of the tiny hedge-spider webs before taking my son to the station (cue embarrassing mother weeping buckets on the platform).

Then took Ma to the day centre, came home made and delivered 30 scones to the dementia café, did two loads of laundry and ran round like a lunatic with the vacuum cleaner and feather duster. I wanted a nap but didn't have time!

Ma came back at 16:45 and has just had an egg sandwich, a banana, a flapjack, a piece of Victoria sponge and a cup of tea. Thank goodness she eats reasonably well these days compared to six months ago when I feared she would waste away.


A few more pics here.


Thank you for all the lovely comments yesterday. It's funny how sometimes you post something not expecting much response and it proves to be really popular, when another time you stick something up which you think is fab and hardly anyone comments :)

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