I was due to meet my friend, Marie, for coffee this morning, but then Mr. HCB said he would like to come and perhaps Lars, Marie’s husband would like to join us - so we all met at Jack’s and had a great time together - along with another friend, Trevor.

We chatted and laughed, sharing stories of the things our children had said over the years and many other things too - not exactly “putting the world to rights” but very nearly!

At 12 noon, my phone bleeped to remind me to say the Lord’s Prayer, so we all sat in the front window of Jack’s and said it together after which we decided it was time to go.  We are very fortunate to have some beautiful parks in Swindon, and Trevor is even more fortunate to live almost next door to The Town Gardens.  We took our leave of Trevor, who was going to walk home, then Marie and Lars said they would would like to see the cherry trees, so off we all went in our different directions.

Mr. HCB dropped me outside the gates, then went to park the car and when he eventually arrived, we saw Marie and Lars walking towards us.  Unfortunately, I had pressed a button on the camera that meant it kept taking videos, so I did take several panorama shots on my iPhone. However, when I tried to upload one, it said it was too big, so back to the drawing board - and after a bit of faffing around, here is a wide angle shot of Marie and Lars underneath the cherry trees.  

When I told Lars that the panorama shots were for the Blip Wide Angle Wednesday challenge, he said that strictly speaking a panorama isn’t wide angle and when challenged, he said he was just being pedantic - well Marie does teach English, so I guess he’s allowed to be and probably enjoyed getting that one in! 

All in all a lovely morning and there were lots of people in the Gardens, some playing football, some just sitting and many others taking photographs and we all agreed that the cherry blossom this year was spectacular.  

I was even approached by a lady who saw me taking photographs and said I could put some on a Facebook page dedicated to Old Town Gardens - so here is my Wide Angle Shot or Panorama - depending on how pedantic you want to be - showing the beautiful cherry trees.  I’ve also put a close-up photograph of Marie and Lars in as an extra and want to say a special “Thank you” to Lars for sorting out the camera. 

In the cherry blossom’s shade
     there is no such thing
          as a stranger.
Kobayashi Issa

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