
Well I needed to take a photo of the white house despite you know who didn't I?!
Worked all morning at home then walked over via Pennsylvania Ave to Old Ebbitt Grill where all the lobbyists etc apparently hang out. Met with one such who was very helpful in mapping things out for us and describing who to talk to and how.
After the business chat turned to DC and Edinburgh as cities as well as to hearing about his career and how he's landed the unenviable task of being the democrat on Fox discussion shows. V was very disappointed that we won't be able to go to the tv studio with him on Friday to see it from the inside and gawp!
Over to C's office to see some more open plan/collab spaces then to meeting back in town to talk international egs of universities doing similar things to us (apparently there aren't many!)
Walked home (via ice cream shop-extra-both tubs together = single portion!) and more ploughing through fellowship applications. Nice distraction to go to dinner with one of JP&C's friends who it turns out works with TK. Lots of hilarity and red wine, but back home to do more application sifting till the wee small hours

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