Miss Motivator

Some of you may remember the DofE journey during 2016 in which Oddie 'completed' the award. Tomorrow is the award ceremony to which we were invited. At the weekend all that changed when she was informed by her knob-head teacher and DofE leader that 'sadly' she'll not get her award as she failed to meet the criteria set for volunteering. For this category Oddie selected (duly approved and signed off by knob-head teacher/leader) a veterinary practice. Seems that volunteering in the field of animal welfare doesn't include a privately run business! Shame that they didn't inform us about that before she spent 3 months there, 6 months at sports, 3 months of singing lessons  the cost of which was eye-watering), 3 expeditions, again, eye-watering amounts in terms of expense. Last year Oddie was invited to go back to talk to the new intake of DofE kids. She took along her kit and gave a wonderful talk about her experience. Wonder if she'd still say the same thing!  Maybe it's high time for us to go back and have a talk with Mr Knob-head! :(

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