By wellsforzoe

Chrissy and Florence

15th May 2017.

Florence you know as head of the Girl Child Project.
Chrissy you will have seen working in the pump factory.

Chrissy came to us to cook the dinner for our staff in the Pump Factory, The Centre and the Horticulture Training Centre. Of course like many before her she was soon working in the factory, moving to stock controller and now we find her in the office, with Florence, recording the Term Results and Reports for the , now, 189 girls we support in secondary schools.

I am delighted that they are all getting a chance to type, write reports, use spreadsheets and the latest thing for us Databases.

With the help of our volunteering friend in Aol, these ladies will be able to upload all  details, including pictures of our girls and while loading them to the cloud, send an email to the girls sponsors, all over the world.

This is leading edge stuff and our girls are on-it.

Of course Rose is the teacher and driving force behind all computer activities.

Ladies, we are so proud of you.

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