yellow means... remember

-remember those we love
-don't forget all they meant to you
-continue to hold them close

of course i see yellow - and i can't help but always think of both my daddy & now my sister - 2 loved ones lost to me - and how it continually spurs grief on a dime - yet even so i think it could be worse - what my loss is to me - is to someone else perhaps a much worse tragedy which has already happened - or just waiting to

case in point - earlier this week, i had a dental appointment and as i was finishing up - i was chatting with my dental hygienist - we were exchanging our latest news - through my tears as i shared about losing my sister last fall - how it was so unexpected for us - she told me how much she could relate - that she had just lost her brother last month - after a lengthy illness - my heart simply bled & broke for her - for out of my own grief, i felt so deeply for her loss - to have watched and struggled with her brother knowing there was nothing she could do for him - we both understood in the end our siblings are with their abba father - there is a certain solace in that of course - however for those of us left behind - it's always a challenge to work through the grief

but when you meet others who have experienced loss - understand what you are feeling - give you that knowing look - can offer a reassuring hug - it's as if you've joined a family of grief-sharers - you're walking the journey with them and no longer - feel quite so alone anymore

so this yellow flower is for susan - as she begins her journey of grief for her brother - as well as it being for me in remembrance for my daddy & sis - each time i remember it gets a little bit easier and points the way to...


happy day.....

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