A Meandering Life...

By Skeena

Mono Monday 185 :: MM185 :: Old

The Old girl did good!

Having celebrated her 47th birthday on Friday Matilda had a great time at the car show at Pateley Bridge over the weekend. This is her forth trip to the show and the first she hasn't broken down making the journey. In fact she drove ever so well for such an old girl. Surprising considering the load she was carrying!

Apart from the Old girl herself I have an old Fortnums and Masons wicker hamper that holds spares for Matilda during such trips. Hopefully ideal for TheAphids challenge for this week's Mono Monday theme of 'Old'.

I have not Blipped Saturday and Sunday yet as the internet went missing with so many at the show ground over the weekend. I will back Blip them tomorrow when I get the chance. Lots to mention...

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