Back at the Car Boot Sale

I set my alarm last night for 6.30am - and had that heart sinking message that my alarm was due to go off in six hours and five minutes. Uuughh!!!
When I woke up this morning and looked at my phone I smiled at the 07.07 that greeted me. Whoop whoop!
Then I realised that my alarm hadn't gone off - stupid mute button! - and had that horrible simultaneous groan and leap out of bed that you get when you oversleep.
I made a flask of tea, nicked £10 off Mr K for the entrance fee and then set off. I got there at 7.32am which I thought was quite impressive!!
It was steadily busy all morning and I sold loads. Definitely worth getting up early for!!
My mum was there was buying stock as usual and after she'd finished she stayed to talk to me and help which was nice. So much better when you've got someone with you!
With a fraction of the stuff that I took I packed the car up just before noon and headed home. 
To listen to the Mighty Horns more than holding their own against Liverpool!!
I love the first day of the season, so much hope!!!
We unpacked the car and repacked it with all the camping stuff. Then Mr K headed over to the Apple Shop in Milton Keynes - to buy a new charger because apparently you can't have enough cables; to get Miss L's iPad screen fixed after it got smashed last night. If you leave iPads on the floor in a shit tip of a room and throw paperweights around they get broken. Who knew?!!! 
He also took my phone to get the screen fixed because when you stop using the case and regularly drop it and crack the screen a bit (in both corners) and then wedge it into your bag alongside a tub of sausages it gets smashed. Who knew?!!!!!
While he was gone I took the Little Misses to Miss A and Miss J's for a playdate. When I went back to get them they were all bellowing out Little Mix at the tops of their voices. And had apparently been doing that for the best part of an hour!! 
Miss L wasn't impressed when she discovered we were walking home. Shock horror, I hadn't driven to get them!!!
Miss E wasn't impressed to discover they were having salmon for dinner.
I wasn't impressed by my lazy fussy children!!!!!

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