Old fave

No way would I have believed I'd cycle six consecutive days this time last week. So, my Friday shout out is for my physio, Wes. Firstly, he managed to get rid of the sharp pain I was getting going upstairs and secondly, he gave me the confidence to have a good go, "You're on holiday after all! Just listen to your body."

Today, we finished on the short circuit that we began the week with. The ride that gave us an inkling of how amazing the cycling was going to be.

We weren't sure whether it would feel as good as it did that first time but yes, for a short ride it still packed a fine punch.

It's hotted up increasingly over the week and at times today, it's felt like a cauldron. With only a tiny wisp of a cloud this morning, there was little respite from the heat but the breeze at the square and then again at the mirador was lovely.

We've spent a few hours in the semi-shade by the pool this afternoon and enjoyed our last evening on the front.

Our legs are feeling a little jaded but it's only today that that's been noticeable so, hopefully, I've followed my sage's advice pretty well.

There's now much talk of, where next?!

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