London at Night

A fascinating and challenging day on a portrait photography course based at the National Portrait Gallery in London.  The tutor is Charlie Clift - a young, dynamic self-taught photographer passionate about telling a story in portraits.  Charlie has a portrait in the Taylor Wessing Prize Portraits. He has some amazing ideas and techniques which are not easy to comprehend but, having looked through what we have done today and recalling what he said, I do think I am beginning to get to grips with it.  It's all about capturing the moments which encapsulate the person - not the same as posing them.  Tomorrow we return to the studio for preparation and time with a model with the aim of telling the story in some way or another - more challenges ahead. There's no point though in doing something that's easy - might as well stay at home in bed! Now there's an idea......

I wandered through Trafalgar Square after the day and took a few shots on my phone - I'm afraid I didn't have the energy to get the camera out again.

One interesting aspect of today, sort of, is that exactly a year ago (blip/Facebook lets you know these things) is my first mention of using the reflections at Birmingham's Grand Central as a source for the ARPS.  I followed that through and, as you know, was successful in gaining the Distinction.  My final fifteen images are here.

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