Just one tiny, tiny.....

....droplet after some very light rain last night. It was so small I didn't see it at first.

Today......basically a day of catching up with emails, backblips and gardening, the latter seems to be never ending. Hubby mowed the lawns and did the edges, looking so much better now.

This week I'm seriously thinking about groceries for Christmas, you know berries, cream, eggs, salad ingredients, meat and yes drinks to. There'll be several trips rather than just the one I'm no good in crowded supermarkets, just does my head in! 

We generally go with the laid back approach for Christmas day, bbq with desserts and drinks, everyone gets stuck in, we laugh and joke and silly photo's are taken as we work away, lots of fun :)

Enjoy this week everyone, it'll be a busy one.....

Edit: 19C - a much cooler day

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