Finished Masterpiece

I finished my jigsaw today. Woohoo!!
Last year when I did my Christmas house jigsaw I had lovely ideas about us all doing it together. As the kind of happy family that does jigsaws together. 
Nobody helped me!!!!
This year I didn't even suggest it and just settled down to it myself. 
Miss E is very proud that she managed to put two pieces in: bottom left hand corner, the yellow house with two windows under the chimney. That was all Miss E's work!!
Mr K has worked today and yesterday, and the Little Misses have been mostly playing on their iPads or watching TV - or both at the same time which I very hypocritically discourage them from doing!
I took the opportunity to tidy Miss L's room. Lucky me!!!
Bagfuls of rubbish, bagfuls of recycling, armfuls of clothes for the laundry and some unspeakable things under the bed. Yuck!
But it now looks amazing. And it will be staying that way because anything which doesn't get put back where it should be will be going into a bin liner. 
And I will be getting her a recycling bin all of her own because there is a rainforest's worth of cut up paper, offcuts, drawings, origami figures and a million unidentified bit of paper. She does love her craft!!
As I slumped on the sofa exhausted from my efforts Mr K took the Little Misses swimming. Much fun was had by all apparently.
We watched Agatha Christie's Crooked House tonight. It was OK but nowhere near as good as the BBC ones have been for the last couple of Christmases. 

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