Happy New Year

In a somewhat surreal start to 2018, I woke without a hangover (‘only’ 3 glasses of wine consumed all evening) and went for a run with MrRoly!

I’m now up to 8 minutes non stop with my next run being a psychological barrier breakthrough of 20 continuous minutes. I’m feeling really rather proud of myself as those who know me will appreciate that 6 weeks ago I wouldn’t/couldn’t run at all!

Anyway, today we packed Christmas away, cleaned our chickens and raked up leaves. Eldest had her latest friend who is a boy round (not to be called a boyfriend) and poor old Boy did the whole man flu thing. He was even too poorly to come out for curry with us all tonight!!!

This made me smile as it looks as if Ross Poldark is giving The Boy sympathy. To be fair, I am a shocking nurse and this is about as good as it will get for the lad...

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