Carbon Literacy

My one photo a day is the one photo I have taken today.

This week is a transition week. Not many people were back yesterday, a few more were back today, and more will be back tomorrow.

Which has given me an opportunity to get on with the on-line carbon literacy course I have to complete by the end of next week. My work computer does not do sound, which I found I needed for the course, so I had to resort to my own ipad.

It's a very good course so far, and I am passing the tests (so far). I know quite a lot about the subject. But for many it's the kind of real world stuff that's  perhaps best not thought about. All in the too difficult box. Although that's a bad mistake.

As well as Salford Council, the BBC, ITV, Salford Royal, and a lot of businesses  in the city are committed to carbon literacy. It is all about the individual and business decisions which together can make a big difference overall. And ultimately it's about hope.

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