An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Doggy Duvet Day...

David let Lola have a little runabout in the back garden this morning as we don't want to walk her and risk passing on Kennel Cough to other dogs she might meet.  Wish whoever's dog she's caught it from had been as thoughtful.

Thankfully it doesn't seem to have bothered her too much today.  She's still eating and drinking and has bursts of energy so no antibiotics required yet. The only time her cough has been in evidence has been when she barks to alert us she wants out.  Two little coughs have followed each bark.

After lunch Alan and Jordan headed out for the afternoon and David left at 2.30pm to attend the funeral of a friend's mum.   Lola and I decided to have a chilled out afternoon together.  

I gave her some Manuka honey to soothe her throat and she slept for a couple of hours.   When she woke up we had a short game of fetch and tug with some of her toys then we snuggled on the sofa together.   She curled up with her head on my arm and we watched some rubbish afternoon tv.  I sat for ages needing the loo because I didn't want to move her.  She looked so settled!  LOL! 

I did eventually move and when I came back into the kitchen Lola was lying on the floor cuddling her teddy.  So cute :-))

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