
By Topsyturvy


The advantages of a caddie: they watch where you hit your ball (I'm terrible for glancing away) and they advise you on club selection. Loved this whimsical weathervane at Piltdown Golf Club where we played 9 brisk and chilly holes this morning (you can see where the wind's coming from!). We'd taken Poppydog beforehand for another walk on Ashdown Forest again with the ground underfoot semifrozen. I love that sensation of walking on a crust of ice with enough softness below as a cushion.
This afternoon we had tea and cake with my Uncle G who'd also invited over Uncle T; lovely to see Dad's two younger brothers together and we managed a fairly comprehensive catch up.
Great pub this evening; unpretentious and friendly with very nice beer which heloed lubricate us enougb to finally do the big crossword from Saturday's paper.

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