Love Cards

The Valentine's Day cards had to play second fiddle the Little Misses yesterday so here they are today.
Mrs J came to collect Miss L at 9.30am to take her off for the day with Little Miss E. 
I took Big Miss E over to Bicester for her day out with Papa. They share a joint love of steam trains and headed off for a day at Steam, the Museum of the Great Western Railway in Swindon.
It was so sweet watching them make sure their bags were fully equipped with snacks, juice, water, cameras, chargers and chewing gum.
And in Miss E's case her reading book, her notebook and some jewellery!!
Once they'd left mum and I had a cup of tea and talked about Iceland for couple of hours.
Then it was home to Archie and a few hours of child free peace before Miss L got back from Little Miss E's house. A good time had been had!!
Swimming tonight despite Miss L's usual protestations. She shrieked at me in her ridiculously over dramatic manner that she despises swimming and never wants to go again.  She may as well have flung her the back of her hand against her forehead and swooned!
I said - and actually meant it because she can swim and because I'm bored of arguing about swimming every week - that that was fine, we could just cancel it and she doesn't have to go any more. Ever.
Good she bellowed!!!!
Not two minutes later she came up to me in the kitchen and wailed that she did want to go swimming and please don't cancel it!!!!!!
God give me strength!!!
As usual she loved the lesson!! She always looks so happy to be there which makes all the dramatics even more ridiculous!
At one point the teacher made all the others get out and watch Miss L demonstrate a length of front crawl. She looked so proud of herself!!
And it was all I could do not to point out to all the other mums, dads and grandparents that she was mine and get them to marvel at how amazing she is!!!!

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