My alternative diary

By chrisphoto

Wide Wednesday

My blip today is of a church I’ve been meaning to visit for many years and as I passed close by due to diversions for road closures, I diverted less than a mile from my route to make this first visit. As today’s theme is movement I thought I’d try a very basic ICM. As the light was fairly good I needed to use heavy exposure compensation to get a slow shutter speed. The resulting image was a bit of a surprise when I saw it on the computer as the ICM seems to have not only recorded movement but also elements of a double exposure.

Farndish – St Michael and All Angels, (now in the care of The Churches Conservation Trust) - a gorgeous little church with a polychrome doorway
This tiny church dates from around 1200 and has a great sense of peace and serenity. The gorgeous Early English doorway of this tiny church alternates bands of orange ironstone with grey limestone which creates an eye-catching polychrome effect. Inside, there is an elegant curved ogee arch over a fourteenth-century window and attractively carved corbels around others. The low tower was added in the fifteenth century. Other things of interest include a plain Norman font with a pretty seventeenth-century cover, carvings and some solid nineteenth-century oak furnishings. The census of 2001 records a population of 40.

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