
Bokeh.  A quote.
"The term comes from the  Japanese word boke (暈け or ボケ), which means "blur or "haze", or boke-aji (ボケ味), the "blur quality". The Japanese term boke is also used in the sense of a mental haze or senility." So there!
It hit me that the lens does what I tell it to, it focuses on what I see as the most important thing and if I choose the right Depth of Field, I can render the background blurry, or indeed snap through a wire fence which will not appear in the end shot! I actively choose what I don't want to see. I argue in an arty sense, that this enhances the most important point, thing, focus.
In art terms this might be true, but in life, following the alternative interpretation of the Japanese word.. a mental haze, I often focus in on my view, my belief, my truth and the bokeh I produce in my interactions often renders others points, things, views as grace notes, or blurred and less important. They are created as a mental haze.  An object lesson.. maybe we need to view life through a wide lens at F32!

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