Back Blip - Westhall

Arrived at Westhall Scout camp site, Whitburn, South Tyneside, around 17:45 to celebrate my Uncle Bill's 80th birthday BBQ on the 10th.
His birthday is December but he decided he'd like a BBQ and that is not very practical in December!
The five of us started some preparation for the next day and then sat around a couple of small fire pits talking, singing, joking and laughing a lot.
I complained about how cold it is on the North East coast after the blazing sunshine of Gloucestershire, I was called 'Southern Softy' and other derogatory terms indicating I'd lost my toughness since moving away from the area when I was sixteen and a half to join the Royal Air Force!
It was a great evening, even if I did have to wear my motorbike jacket to stop myself shivering!
Left to right - Me, Bill, Davey, Charlie and Ropey. Everyone seems to have a nickname up here.

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