The World Through My Eyes

By Marlieske

Na zdrowie...

Proost, Cheers, ¡Salut, Skål, Prost, Kippis, à votre santé, saúde, Cin cin, sláinte, Živjeli, Felicidades, Noroc, Saludos, Şerefe, Lloniannau, Jublet....And probably many more way's to say cheers...Let me know witch one i didn't get or if any is wrong

A much better day today, the first day since a week that I wake up without a headache...still take it easy ...Slow is smooth, smooth is faster....Have a great weekend... xxx

Many thanks to Admirer for hosting this so much fun challenge SillySaturday...

Thanks for all the wonderful comments and stars for my yesterday’s blip! Xxx

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