Cutch Cassidy and the Stundance Skid

Time was a bit tight for squeezing off many shots today, this one was snatched first thing this morning as I headed off into the adventures that Wednesday's notoriously not known for. Building into a bit of a series it is.

Spent some time grudgingly in a tax-dodging Starbucks tonight, one of those that has a nice shiny new tax-payer funded hospital wrapped around it. Kind of lucky that was too as we were up visiting Samantha's bruised and broken mum. The poor mother-in-law took a bit of a nasty fall yesterday; stumbling over a clothes dryer, skiting through a doorway, tripping and cracking her head off of a table. Thankfully she has an emergency medical alarm that she can use and, luckily (luckily?), that alarm was lying on the table she'd just fallen and split her head open on. Help was soon there, and an ambulance whisked her, her newly created Harry Potter scar and her broken hip off to A&E.

She was in fine fettle tonight when we visited though, battle scarred and in some discomfort, but not as bad as we'd feared. As she recounted what had happened she calmly mentioned that she had managed to manoeuvre herself into a position to watch her cowboy movie (she loves cowboy movies) whilst she waited for the medics to arrive. I asked if it was maybe "Cutch* Cassidy and the Stundance Skid" she'd been watching to which, without missing a beat, she replied "No, 100 Rifles".

They're made of sturdy stuff up this way so they are.

*'Cutch' was Samantha's mum's nickname when she was young.

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