Dream on

It is said to get things done you need a combination of dreamers and actors. Dreamers conjure up new and untested ideas. They ask the "why not?" questions many of us are too practically minded or indeed cynical to ask. Actors put the dreams into action. They work to achieve  practical outcomes which deliver that outline concept. 
The dreams are often blurry, unformed, with only a few elements in clear sight.  That's where interpretation and dialogue move this into tangible action steps. The actors are animateurs. 
In an peace process, both are needed. Those who see, intuit a new beginning, a new possibility, a new way of being together. Then we need those who deliver on the dream, the vision, the idea. 
When one or other predominates the conversation we arrive at stasis. 

In this place I call home, 20 years from the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement we need the two partners again to come together and create that new shared future. Together we are more than the sum total of our parts. So a call to all you dreamers and actors. Are you up for it?

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