Flower Flyday!

No more now for at least a week unless I'm desperate I promise! It is Flower Friday though and so why not? I've had a walk in the Arboretum for some Fitbit steps and to get my Blip. This flower with a fly caught my eye! Thanks once again to BikerBear (Anni) for hosting.

Out again later to go to the local shops.Then tonight - work! And I hope it will be less annoying than last time. 

The boss has told us that to keep costs down we have to manage with just one pan all night, which means we run out of stuff and customers have to wait. This makes some of them bad tempered, which I get. But it's not our choice and no fun for us either. This is probably an added bonus in the boss' eyes - he doesn't pay us to have fun after all!

Many customers wanted things which are cooked to order anyway - more than usual. For some reason Spam Fritters are suddenly very popular. We have sold more of them in the last two nights than we usually sell in a month! They take ages to cook as we freeze them so they don't go off. Since we normally sell so few!

Another customer waited almost 10 minutes for fish to cook - all the time bleating on, every sentence beginning with her catchphrase,  "I'm not at all racist, but...". She also quizzed me about every item on the "Cook to Order" menu, and then once her fish was finally ready, she decided to order Scampi, adding another very long four minutes to her wait!

I don't think even half of the customers had simple, straightforward orders - the complicated, time consuming ones are a minority on a normal night, as - fortunately - are annoying or rude people. Hopefully tonight things will go back to normal! It wasn't even a full moon last night!

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