
I merrily caffeined myself up for a day at work and looked down at my wrist to discover I was Fitbit naked!

If I had spotted that before I’d got to work I wouldn’t have bothered getting Ian to drop me off about a mile out for a plod in. I could have been delivered almost to my desk instead! A non Fitbit step is just not the same as a Fitbit step.

I should have caught up with a jaunt around Cully with the Crawlers this evening but have opted for a really lazy evening instead. It has been a busy week, and I had a disturbed night as Leo got me up at 3am as he wanted comforting as he had a really bad stomach ache. I am wondering if he is not eating as well at his new school - as they don’t get watched over to the same degree. I am suspecting he has been avoiding all the fruit and veg for stodge and sugar!

Am going to send him in with plenty of fruit and veg snacks so he at least gets those down him even if he passes on the rest at lunch.

He was in so much pain in the night that I think he will eat them up, as it took hours for him to get back to sleep.

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