Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Friday with Fiona

After school today we went to MOHAI (Museum of History and Industry)..for a LONG time…Fi likes lots of things about this place, including the cafe, of course.   The old time Seattle landmarks, (background in the extra)  the periscope, the cool elevator, lots of the exhibits (but NOT the special WW1 one!) and then the Idea Lab, Jeff Bezo’s (Amazon) addition to this museum.   Fi thinks it should be called the “Lightbulb Lab”. The challenge was what to do with all the hoards of people moving into Seattle…she built a huge housing unit (extra) that would have parking underground for bicycles except for really old people who would get special electric cars. (!)

There were spots around the museum with stickers on the floor saying “selfie”…so of course we did all of those too… the blip was the best.   Lusty Lady, a long time establishment no longer across the street from the Seattle Art Museum.   Rexie got to enjoy the day too.    After we got home she built more stuff with the blocks (2nd extra) and trains… played with clay, made and ate pancakes and made a pillow Fort and listened to a bit of our book.  And we planned a book to be made, maybe next time,.  So great to have a kid be a kid and so much fun,  it’s worth the exhaustion we feel. Whew.

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