Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Waiting ...

I've taken more photos than I can remember of this church, inside and out, in all weathers and in all seasons. I've taken photos of the empty church, I've taken photos of ceremonies and candlelit congregations, of wreaths and children and clerics various. Today's picture is of the empty church this morning, the altar frontal changed ready for tomorrow, the Advent ring in its wreath of greenery waiting for someone - who? - to light the first purple candle. There is no sign of Christmas trees or fairy lights, because it is not time. There is a sense of expectation, of waiting. It is silent.

And another extra, because I like it - the quiet grey of a chilly afternoon looking towards where the sunset would be if we could see the sun. A chilly afternoon where we unexpectedly met old friends we rarely see, their sons we used to teach and a crazy dog who was in the sea, swimming. We talked, and walked together - and in the middle of it all we were joined via FaceTime by my granddaughter and her father, who joined in the conversation till my battery died with the cold. It was lovely, an antidote to too much silent contemplation.

The walk back to the car was a tad hazardous in the dark, however ...

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